Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TED videos

1) Hillel Cooperman
2) Legos For Grownups
3) Adults creating life-size models and functioning machines out of Lego.
4) Lego blocks are an obsession for some mature adults. There is a Lego subculture for adults consisting of life-size models, CAD and open-source robotics.
5) Hillel Cooperman is an enthusiast from Seattle. He also founded Jackson Fish Market, a web software consultancy and design firm that has helped brands like Bing and WeSeed. He found/documented many different ethnic restaurants for Tasting Menus.
6) An interest in adults being able to play with Lego and creating in-depth models.
7) I love Lego. I recently played it with my friend and an 8 year-old boy.
8) I now want to create Lego sculptures and actually spend time creating things.
9) The slot machine made of Lego. It functions and that blows my mind.
10) Inspiring.

1) Dan Dennet
2) Cute, Sexy, Sweet, Funny
3) Why do people find things cute, sexy, sweet and funny?
4) Dan Dennet talks about why people intuitively find certain things cute, sexy, sweet and funny.
5) Philosopher and scientist Dan Dennet has written two books. In 2003 Freedom Evolves and in 2006 Breaking the Spell. He talks about people's free thought and their instincts.
6) We don't like things because they are that way. We like them because we like that trait.
7) It had an appealing title. As well as I have always wondered about it.
8) I always suspected this, although it began as a Darwin theory and not knowing much about Darwin I find it hard to agree with his findings.
9) God needing to find a way for chimps to breed.
10) Redundant.

1) Deb Roy
2) The Birth of a Word
3) Studying how his infant son learned language.
4) Deb set up cameras in every room of his house. He has recorded 90,000 hours of video. He uses this to find out how his son's "gaaaaaa" into "water".
5) Deb works at MIT where he studies how children learn language. He is also working on AI in Bluefin Labs.
6) He wants to find the relationship between learning words and what they mean in the world and how we use them.
7) Because I've always wanted to know how people learn language. I heard a story about children learning to speak "The Language of Eden" in a nunnery in Russia. This failed and they ended up dying. Which is horrible, but I've been intrigued about it.
8) I haven't changed my thoughts much. Most ways that infants learn language were ways that I already guessed. Although I found it mind-blowing on how it changed (verbally). It was just so weird, and awesome, to hear how his sounds changed into words.
9) The change of his son's change from "Gaaaa" to "water". It was amazing how he pieced the changes together.
10) "Gaaagaawaaa-ter"

1) Sebastian Wernicke
2) Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks)
3) Creating the ultimate TEDTalk or the worst TEDTalk.
4) Sebastian Wernicke analyzes statistics on the highest/lowest rated TEDTalks and finds out what makes them so. He finds a way to create the best and worst TEDTalk.
5) Sebastian worked in bioinformatics and made his name there. He then became corporate and manages multidimensional projects.
6) What is the main point/thesis the presenter is making about the topic?
7) Because I wasn't really into TEDTalks, so finding somebody who ripped them apart was hilarious.
8) People don't have to be extremely intelligent to do a TEDTalk. They just have to use pretty colours and words that people find nice.
9) French Coffee Spreads Happiness in Your Brain
10) Analyzed

1) Rives
2) Rives Controls the Internet
3) A poem about what Rives would do if he could control the internet. It was a metaphor for having old fashioned values and going back to an easier life.
4) Rives creates a poem about the internet and combining Monster/Friendster/ to create one ultimate website.
5) Rives is on the HBO's Def Poetry Jam. He's also the new star of a TV special called "Ironic Iconic America". Rives is a co-host on the next TEDActive in Palm Springs.
6) He realizes (an points out) that people don't need the internet to survive. Life is easier and more real when doing it yourself.
7) I enjoy using the internet. Also that my friend and I are going to do a slam poetry spoof.
8) He didn't change my view. I totally agreed with him, he just restated it so that it's further imprinted in my brain.
9)"You would be able to e-mail the dead. They wouldn't reply. But just a name in your inbox. That's all you really wanted."
10) Traditional

1) Sebastian Thrun
2) Sebastian Thrun: Google's Driverless Car
3) Creating self-driving cars that could potentially save millions of lives.
4) Sebastian Thrun helped build Google's driverless car in hoping that it will save lives. it won many competitions and this TEDTalk shows how fast it can go and what it;s really capable of by driving in urban areas as well as the desert.
5)Sebastian Thrun is working at Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab with robotics hoping that we can use them to change the world.
6) Almost every car crash is by human error, so, by creating self-driving cars we can help prevent this and save lives.
7) I'm not a car person, but I've always been fascinated in these big changes (much alike the electric car)
8) I always thought that it would be dangerous and a bad idea, but instead I think that it would only be a good thing seeing as they stop automatically for pedestrians.
9) The shot of the car coming to a crosswalk and stopping to let the pedestrians cross the street.
10) Innovative

1) Maz Jobrani
2) Did You Hear the One About the Iranian-American?
3) A stand-up routine trying to show Muslims in a positive light and to break stereotypes.
4) On the "Axis Of Evil Comedy Tour" Maz Jobrani talks about the conflicts of being an Iranian-American.
5) Maz Jobrani is a founding memeber of "The Axis Of Evil Comedy Tour" and is doig his own solo tour "Brown and Friendly"
6) That people can break stereotypes and that not all Muslims are the crazy fanatics.
7) I've always like stand-up comedy so i was excited to see one on
8) I am unchanged, I know that people break stereotypes.
9) The hotel manager and Maz thought each other were the other's driver due to stereotypes.
10) Clear

1) Rives
2) Rives Tells A Story of Mixed Emoticons
3) Rives tells a story about a man and a woman through emoticons.
4) Rives tells a typographical fairy tale about a man and a woman meeting and falling in love.
5) Rives is on the HBO's Def Poetry Jam. He's also the new star of a TV special called "Ironic Iconic America". Rives is a co-host on the next TEDActive in Palm Springs.
6) He is showing (again) that we use emoticons/messaging for everything including love now.
7) I spend a lot of time on my cell phone and on the computer and I realize this, yet I still like to know about things to do with emoticons and other related messaging paraphernalia.
8) I always thought that they were overused but now I realize that you can tell any story or say anything or show anything thing that you want to. There is a line between creative and sick, and I don't know where it is.
9) This means guy and that is a ponytail on a passer-by.
10) Creative. I know that it's a cheap word to use, but it really is the best word to describe it.

1) Adam Grosser
2) Adam Grosser and His Sustainable Fridge
3) Adam Grosser is searching for a way to create a fridge that doesn't run on any toxic fuels and is inexpensive.
4) Perfecting some old technology Adam hopes to create an inexpensive and accessible refrigeration unit.
5) Adam is a partner at Foundation Capital.
6) There is a way for everyone in the world to be able to have refrigeration.
7) I enjoy food; food needs fridges; I enjoy fridges.
8) I had no idea this was even remotely possible. I'm shocked that being on the verge of this we haven't put forward the most knowledgeable people on the planet to invent this.
9) The fridge was the size of a camping lantern.
10) Advanced

1) Dean Ornish
2) Dean Ornish Says Your Genes Are Not Your Fate
3) People can grow more brain cells by changing their habits and are not always that way.
4) If you live healthier by eating better, exercising and love more your brain cells can actually increase.
5) Dean Ornish is a clinical professor at UCSF and founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He is also a a leading expert on fighting heart disease and diabetes.
6) If you amke smarter decisions, you will become a smarter person.
7) Genes fascinate me and always have, I also like knowing about other people's habits.
8) There are some habits I want to change, and some I want to pick up now.
9) Cannibinoids (found in cannabis) actually can increase the amount of brain cells. Weird. I knew it didn't kill brain cells but I found this to be very interesting.
10) Conscientious.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Amy & David Character Analysis

As people get older some change and some stay the same. In "And Summer Is Gone", a short story by Susie Kretschmer, David and Amy have been friends since David moved to her town when he was 12. They are very different. David is calm, introvert, artistic and slightly mundane and she is shallow, insecure, popular,and easily subject to peer pressure. Throughout the story David stays the same, yet the only quality about Amy that stays the same is popular.

At the age of 12 David enjoys painting and continues to do so throughout the years. He won the local art exhibit "for the second year in a row" (20). Throughout school he excels in academics and plans a future by "dreaming of college" (19). He remains secluded and does his own thing, which makes him happy. This boy is a loner but he doesn't mind because he makes friends when he wants to, such as the guys from his swim team he'd "met freshman year" (19).As a child David paints about Aztecs and Mayans; he still does this, and he wins art exhibitions with the paintings. David is a calm person and doesn't let things get to him. When Amy leaves he says "I cried within" (27) and he met her eyes with a "level calm stare" (23).

When Amy was 12 she's outgoing, smart, and adventurous. Now she has conformed to the popular group. She continued to make friends and "in August she went away to camp" (15). Whereas David doesn't date she would "date 10 guys a month" (20). She unhesitatingly will do things to fit in. When at the art exhibition with her friends she willfully chimes in by saying "yeah, I know" (26) after her friends bash the art piece David had painted. Amy's grades slip, she used to get A's but now "she [is] getting B's and C's" (18).

Amy has always been popular and always will be, but everything else about her has changed. The child she was is now gone. David has been artistic and true to himself and always will be "for [he] has kept who [he] is." (27). There are people who will change and people who will stay the same and true to themselves, some people can stay friends through this and some people cannot. Sadly for David and Amy this is the case.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Lottery Literary Essay

Traditions are often continued without reason or thought; it's irrational. In "The Lottery", a short story by Shirley Jackson, there is a town who perfectly depicts that. Year after year the town's people hold a lottery where they draw to find out which household wins the honour of being stoned to death. They then select a member from that household and stone them without thinking anything of it; the entire town takes part including the children. Pieces of the story prove that the tradition will continue for some time, although it will eventually fade.

There is evidence that it will continue to occur for a few years after. The biggest piece of proof is that the town just does this over and over without thinking much of it. They even plan the event so that the people can "get home for noon dinner" (147). The people clearly don't believe that it is a horrible act, for even the children are "stuff[ing] their pockets full of stones" (147). Further more, people continue the tradition blindly. They have lost knowledge of when and why it started. They have even lost much of the original paraphernalia.

Clearly the tradition will continue, but it will eventually come to an end. In previous lotteries people just owned up to it and were stoned; now Tessie claims that Bill didn't get enough "time to choose the paper he wanted" (154). The people speak of other towns that have "already quit lotteries" (152). The lotteries are now more tense and edgy, whereas they used to be...honourable, more or less.

For now the lottery will continue, although in later days this tradition will cease to exist. The duration of time the lottery will continue to be held is entirely up to the people holding it. Perhaps it will stop in 2 years, maybe 15, maybe 100. But it will eventually end.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Summary/Response to news article

Facebook CEO gets stalker restraining order

by The Associated Press; CBC (specific author not found)


     Mark Zuckerberg has filed a restraining order against his stalker, Pradeep Manukonda. Manukonda has repeatedly tried to speak with Mark Zuckerberg by means of letters, e-mail, Facebook and actually going to his house. He has sent over 20 messages in one day, says Facebook security officer Todd Sheets. Manukonda left letters on Zuckerberg's car and later that day was stopped from going up Zuckerberg's stairs by security. Zuckerberg's girlfriend was inside at the time. Manukonda claims to want to speak with Zuckerberg about his mother who is ill, he says that Zuckerberg can save her and that he is "willing to die" (-Manukonda) for Zuckerberg's help. At the end of the same letter he stated "I am waiting outside your house." The restraining order applies to Zuckerberg, his girlfriend and his sister.

       I feel as though Manukonda initially had good intentions but took it too far. he wants to help his ill mother and thinks that Zuckerberg can help pay for the treatment, being a famous millionaire. Manukonda at first tried to reach Zuckerberg but when he did not reply he continued this. It's odd that he is so persistent about needing to speak with Zuckerberg. I think that is raises the suspicion that the sick mother is just a ploy to meet with Zuckerberg for some other reason, for if he only wanted money from a millionaire to help his sick mother he could try many of the other various millionaires in California. I think that he is just a freaky stalker who wants to meet with Zuckerberg for god knows what reason. Zuckerberg was in the right to get the restraining order for himself, his sister and his girlfriend. Who knows what Manukonda may be plotting?

Monday, February 7, 2011


"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." - Helen Keller

I think the quote has 3 messages.

The first and most obvious being: "You can do anything you want". People can do anything they want (within reason). They just have to try and put their effort into it, but most people lack the effort to achieve their goals. Anybody can want something but nothing just gets handed to them...except for royalty.

The second message is that everybody can do something. Everybody has some special talent. Everybody should exploit whatever their talent is to try to make something of themselves.
Honestly, this message just reminds me of the Kid's Help commercial where the kids are showing their talents like playing the tuba, bug collecting and the sound effects kid who goes "I can be a t-rex RAWWWR!!!"

Last, I believe that is saying that when the opportunity is given one should use this talent to help whatever is going on, or to just use it because they can. Being able to do something (no matter how small) always gives a sense of accomplishment and a self-esteem boost.


"Survival, I know, is to begin again." - Judy Collins

This quote makes me think of three things. One is an actual thought about the quote. I think that it means in order to survive you have to keep trying something. If you fail you can't give up, you have to start all over and begin again. If people gave up after they failed something we wouldn't get anywhere. There's a way to do everything and we have to find it. It's how the human race (or any other) can survive.
Another is I Will Survive by Cake. favourite song....putting it delicately.
The last thing it makes me think of is the song Begin Again. It was one of my favourite songs in Grade 9, but now I can't stand it. I don't even like that kind of music anymore. Funny how it can change so drastically.
Although I imagine the original quote didn't have anything to do with this in-depth thought.


"When words fail me..." - Anonymous

 Words....they do not fail me. I fail them. Not really. it just sounded dramatic, so I thought it should be said.
But, when words fail me....I don't talk. How can you talk without words? Sign language. Damn, I'm sneaky. But are they words? Maybe each action has a meaning and we just associate it with the word, because I can't see somebody signing a HUGE adjective. But, it's possible. I sort of want to find out. But at the same time.....I'm happy in the dark. I thrive in the dark. Then again, that's not a good outlook.
Maybe I should change that.
Suddenly I realize...I'm way off topic. NOW, the question is....Do I go back? Yes. Let's.
I think this was said by some poet or songwriter, because they use their art to convey their thoughts and get a message out when they can't speak it. But then I realize they're using words to do that. came from somebody with writer's block. Then the quote is just ironic. And who doesn't love some good irony? People who think irony is the same as a coincidence. Those are the people who don't like irony. But...maybe they just like it too much and they want to use it in an inappropriate place because they miss the loving embrace of irony. Really, I think that people mostly use the word "ironic" because not a lot of people can use it properly and other people know that so it makes them sound smart. But anybody who knows what the definition of irony is knows that they're just kind of using complicated words. It's not even a complicated word for that matter.
Jesus, I'm off topic. I'm just going to stop now.


10 Most Powerful words in
The road to authenticity.
by Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW

1) Courage
2) Compassion
3) Altercations
4) Consequences
5) Accountable
6) Confrontations
7) Worthiness
8) Criticized
9) Constantly
10) Vulnerability

Most important -  Vulnerability

First Steps to Stop Bullying: Adults helping children aged 4 to 11.
Written by unknown author.

Response to vulnerability and First Steps to Stop Bullying: Adults helping children aged 4 to 11.

It's an interesting thing. I picked this word because I didn't like the paper. I disagree with it. I find that people get hurt if they're open to get hurt. I know many people who are prone to being hurt, but I also know many people who shake it off. I noticed the people that shake it off are happier and get criticized less. People just don't care if they don't react. it's people that make a big deal out of a little thing that are more... "vulnerable". The key to being impervious is to have an invulnerable mindset.
As much as I say this I know that people are going to disagree. I also know that this isn't completely fool-proof and correct. Obviously if somebody gets worn down enough they will eventually break-down. But even then, people have control over it. People have control over weather they let things get to them, and if they fight back obviously it'll result in an argument and more things said. But it won't continue to occur over a long time. People who don't like talking to each other won't talk to each other. A bully won't bitch at someone if they know they'll fight back.
So, basically, people just need to shake it off and not let it get to them. People criticize other people that are vulnerable. Confidence is an insult's cockblock.
Oh, wait. "They're just looking for a reaction". Amazing. It's as if this has been said since we we're 6 years old. -.-
This only applies to verbal/mental/emotional bullying. Physical is a totally different matter and should be dealt with.
This also only applies to teens and adults. Children don't know better. They don't have such a control over their mindsets. They know more and are smarter than we think. But I don't think they know that much.


Why do you think people engage in immoral acts?

People do it... for the lols. There is no other way to describe it. They do it because they can. People like to do bad things, it's more fun. There's no denying that.
Of course there are cases where it's.."justified". Like if somebody needs money for food, or medicine, or attack in defense. There are always ways around those things though, such as get a job, or not go too far.
Which also makes me think of adrenaline. Some people get so into something they don't realize what they're doing. People can black out from high amounts of adrenaline.
Intoxication - it can change the event. An act can be done and escalated without realizing it. An example is an Irish rugby player who got drunk with a couple buddies and they got in a fight with a couple other guys. They then took one guy and put him in their trunk and drove somewhere and then let him out. I don't think they realized that technically it was assault and taking a hostage.

Why do I engage in immoral acts?

The answer is easy. Because it's fun. I've never had to steal for food, fight to save my life, done drugs to numb a pain. I have no justification for what I do. I do it because I want to and it's an impulse. the closest to justification that I come is when I'd take revenge. If somebody did something to me I'd hit back.


What makes people go wrong?

All evil starts with 15 volts.

7 social processes that grease the slippery slope of evil:

-Mindlessly taking the first small step
-Dehumanization of others
-De-individuation of self
-Diffusion of personal responsibility
-Blind obedience to authority
-uncritical conformity to group norms
-passive tolerance of evil through inaction of indifference.

The line of good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. - Alexandre Solzenitsyn



Everybody can do anything. People will be dragged down or impeded by other people's actions. They have to continue on and do what they're good at. People can either use their talents for good or evil. Bwahaha. -.- But seriously, people will either use it to invent something and better the world or create something to destroy things (on a large scale).


Have you ever felt betrayed by a friend or teacher?

This guy had been my best friend since we were 5 and 6. So, eleven years. But in grade 8 (he was in 9) he turned into a douchebag. But we were still friends and I didn't mind because we had been friends for so long. I just looked past it. But eventually he started pissing me off more and more. We were in grade 10 and 11 now. He would lie a lot. Not huge things but little things. I would say let's do this and he'd say he didn't want to....then he "forgot" his phone somewhere and we have to go "looking for it". Or that he was soooooo hardcore (not really) and that he had joined a latino gang because he beat up their 300 lbs. member as an initiation ceremony. I kept him around because his stories were interesting. Then one day I realized something, he would trash talk anyobdy who was getting cooler than him, or was better friends with one of his friends than he was. I was with a different friend and he told me that my 'friend' was calling me out on a bunch of things (all true, which made it funny). He also said I did things I never did to make himself seem cooler. It failed. People liked me more than him for exactly this reason. Eventually I reamed him out and we stopped talking. I see him every now and then and it's kind of sad to see him, not because I rememebr our friendship. But because all he does is smoke weed and go to school.
Living well is the best revenge.

What would I say to him? Nothing I didn't already.  I don't regret anything I said. I think it made a huge impact on him, and that's what I wanted to happen. To me it was a victory.


Why do we study evil?

Well,'s why we study anything else. For some peolpe it's their job. They study evil because they're a criminal psychologist or a psychology professor and they want to help by finding ways to stop people from doing evil. They think if they know what makes a person evil we can stop all evil acts. If this ever happens I imagine it would be inhumane. I don't like that thought because people need evil to survive. I saw a picture where everyone in a city was wearing the same thing and looked exactly the same. It's our action that define us, all actions are evil or good. Without evil we wouldn't be people we'd just be machines.

For others, it just fascinates them. That's why they study it. They're intrigued and feel like learning more about it and therefore they do. It's really not that complex of an idea.

Why do WE (as a class) study evil? We study it because we were told to.

Most people don't study evil because they don't want to acknowledge it. Those who do either help on a small scale (anybody) or those in power will help on a global level (Al Gore). It is relative and opinionated. One day's terrorist is the next's revolutionary, which is dependent on "The victor writes history".


 Owning up to mistakes does help build. It helps in government. When they make an apology (like in Britain) it gains the trust and love of the people in the country as well as the people they are apologizing to. Just think about it. We like Britain - they apologize. The US is infamous - they never apologize. The Japanese - never apologize.
I'm not being racist; I'm stating facts. Now, I'm also not saying we hate these countries we just happen to like the ones more that own up to their mistakes.
'Fessing up is an important part of socially advancing but not technologically advancing or being innovative. Britain is advanced yes, the US is in a backslide, but Japan is also extremely advanced and are one of the most powerful nations in the world.
I realize that this is an edgy topic and I wish to put no more thoughts forward.


 I don't want to make the connection between drugs/addicts/homelessness/holocaust because I get way too into it.


Connection of The Book Thief to Philip Zombardo

Connection? What connection? Wait, do you mean the totally obvious one? Yea, i got that one. The Nazi's took part in every step to the slippery slope of sadism.

Mindlessly taking the first small step
          The German people followed Hitler and did what he said because he was fixing the economy and looked as though he was a good way out of the depression.

Dehumanization of others
           People said that Jewish citizens (German or not) were not people but animals and that they were the source of all evil and wrong doings in the world.

De-individuation of self
           Nazi's wore uniforms and were able to perform evil deeds because they would not be blamed as they were anonymous. With no perso who's to blame?

Diffusion of personal responsibility
           People's lives were taken over by the holocaust. It was the biggest issue going on. When people think about things too much they become emotionally attached to it and start acting more aggressively.

Blind obedience to authority
           People were afraid to speak out against Hitler and his men. It seemed as though the only way to get through the war alive was to be on his side. "You're either with us or against us"

Uncritical conformity to group norms
           Pretty much the same thing as stated above. They had to do the same as everyone else in order to fit in.

Passive tolerance of evil through inaction of indifference.
           Once again, by not speaking up others find that it's fine to go through with these deeds. It also gets to the point where evil things are done and nobody cares because that sort of thing happens so often.

The holocaust was the same way to have evil as any other thing, just on a global scale.


"He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount" - Proverb (Ambition Quotation)

What? He who rides a tiger? 'He' is bad-ass. I want to ride a tiger.
But seriously, the quote has meaning. I think. I am unsure. But I think that it means he worked hard for the tiger and he's happy on it. Therefore he doesn't want to let it go. OR maybe he's conquered the tiger and is on his road to something but if he gets off the tiger will bite him and it'd be best for him to stay on the tiger. Maybe the tiger is success? He's worked so far for it and doesn't want to give it up.

"We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom." - Stephen Vincent Brenet (Power Quotation)

This one is fairly straightforward. It means that people who have power think that they're king shit and that they're better than everyone else. Look at the christian church way back. They thought they knew more about science than scientists because they were involved in the government and had power.
When people gain a position of power they think that it changes them and they become more-then-human. They think that they're the smartest person because they have the most money or people elected them because they were charismatic. But, the truth is that  there is always someone faster, smarter, stronger, wiser and better than you. That person is me.

"The guilty think all talk is of themselves" - Geoffrey Chaucer (Guilt Quotation)

We all now how this feels. It's the paranoia. When someone does something bad they think everyone knows it was them and is talking about it. Ways to get revenge. Ways to punish them. Ways to catch them. Ways to make an example of them. Guilty doesn't just mean they did it. It means they feel bad about it. If they had no guilt then they wouldn't be paranoid. If everything was good and hunky-dorey then they wouldn't worry about it. It's the guilty who are afraid.


My character flaws.

I notice my own personal flaws. My biggest being I get distracted easily. But not really. It's more of procrastination. If there is a small task (like a reflection) then i will do it immediately with no questions asked. I put off the long term projects. I don't get distracted, I allow myself to be distracted when I'd rather do that than the other work.
Flaw number 2. I worry. A lot. About the dumbest things.

As I write this I begin to think I'm not writing about the proper thing. I think I'll stop now.


(>^_^)> <(^_^<) <--- Human bonding.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Texting/IM vs. English Language

     (In my essay I will prove that...) The English language is slowly dying due to the massive fad of text messaging and instant messaging. The messaging services have been around for years, but only lately has there been an outbreak in their use. When they first started out they were useful and they were a message: "Be there in a few minutes" "Remember to bring the coupons".  There is nothing wrong with text messaging and instant messaging, I do it myself often, but it needs to be toned down. It is getting out of hand. Numbers and single letter words and use of improper grammar and use of homophones will slowly destroy conversation as we know it.

     As it started people would use shortcuts (using numbers or single letters instead of words) to say what they meant, this made sense for phone companies used to charge by the character. In the recent years it is unnecessarily used. The number "2" is everywhere on the internet and phones, people forget how to use to, too and two. The letter "R" is used in place of are and our; our isn't even pronounced like "R". This is also affecting the way that people pronounce the simplest of words. I admit, not everything has to be pronounced precisely, but come on, it should at least have some differentiation.

     Simple homophones and contractions are inappropriately used. The most common one is the use of they're. there and their. Using T-H-E-R people can avoid what seems to be the most difficult, and mind-boggling concept that has ever struck the human race. In school assignments, essays or formal documents people have become stumped with these basic and commonly used devices. Emoticons are also being commonly used in these pieces of writing, (sometimes in scripts they can help convey a certain emotion that may be hard to describe) although hopefully not in anything too important.

     Many job positions require the ability to text to keep in touch with clients, although introducing it to teenagers and young adults could possibly be a horrendous mistake. Perhaps a limit on the number of messages sent per month could help put a stop to the degradation of the English language. Without the use of text messaging many corporations would be in different places, but it's possible that people would speak with better pronunciation and have better writing skills. I hope that in the future we will realize how much of an negative impact text messaging and instant messaging is making on us and the way we speak.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Worst/Best English Class Experience

Best Experience
In grade 10 English class i sat with 3 of my friends. Throughout the entire year our goal was to make the whole class yawn. It was a nearly impossible feat. We have various strategies, one being that we would write down the word yawn on a piece of paper and throw it across the room. We felt as though this was a genius plan, although it never worked. It was a sad day for us all. Our second favourite method was to blatantly yell out "YAWN." It did not work either, but once we got a single person to yawn. So, we rejoiced.

Worst Experience
I have yet to have a worst experience. I'm not excited. -.-